Recovery Center staff have decades of experience helping individuals break the cycle of alcohol addiction and substance abuse. Because of that, our certified counselors are your trusted experts on the state of addiction and recovery in Iowa. We can provide information and presentation-ready powerpoints on many topics. Some examples include:

  • Recognizing the Signs of Addiction
  • Impacts of Substance Abuse on the Workplace
  • Drug Use in Iowa
  • Support for Families during Recovery

The Recovery Center understands increasing awareness of addiction and recovery issues is key to creating substantial change. For more information about our speaking engagements or Education and Outreach opportunities, please contact the Director at 712-655-2300.

Raise Awareness about Substance Abuse Addiction

Use these materials and resources to raise awareness at your workplace, in your community, or at your next event.


Flyers and ads can be downloaded or requested to be printed and mailed to you.

Available Upon Request

If you are hosting an event, you can request these resources to help raise awareness of substance abuse addiction and promote recovery.


Event Booth

Coming soon!

Speaking Engagements

The Recovery Center Director is available for speaking engagements for organizations, communities, workplaces, fire departments, veterans organizations, etc. Request our trusted experts for your next meeting or event to help raise awareness of addiction. Event invitations can be customized for your event/presentation.